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In Conversation with Brian McGowan, Disability Studies Scholar and Advocate (ETH University, Switzerland)

In Conversation with Brian McGowan, Disability Studies Scholar and Advocate (ETH University, Switzerland)

March 6, 2025
10:00am - 11:15am
Zoom Registration Here:
Black and white image of white man looking at camera, stubly beard, short dark hair, dark collared shirt and gold chain

Zoom Webinar Registration

Brian McGowan is a Disability Studies Lecturer at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Called ETH Univerity for short), a school that is consistently ranked the best public university in continental Europe. Brian McGowan worked as head of the Equality Office for People with Disabilities of the city of Bern and as Diversity Officer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, he currently serves as Co-President and Project Manager of, a nonprofit focused on advocacy of inclusion for people with disabilities. As an example of his important work, a recent talk he gave at Universitat Zurich was titled "Disability and Normality - What is normality – what is abnormality." Brian McGowan’s expertise is in the fields of Disability Studies, inclusion theories and critical diversity theories, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its implementation, and diversity in the context of higher education and university structures. 

Find the CSUSB Disability Lecture Series Homepage and learn about past and upcoming events here (link). Series organizers are CSUSB Professors Jessica Luck, Tiffany Jones, Jess Nerren, Jonathan Hall, and Jeremy Murray. Thanks to Pamela Crosson (History) for administrative support, and Thinh Ly (Information Technology Consultant) for his technological support. This year, our series is supported by a grant from Accelerate InSoCal and The Cog Neurodiversity Space.