Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

Through an endowment and a grant created by the Korea Foundation, Cal State San Bernardino has offered various opportunities for the campus community to enhance the knowledge, understanding and awareness of Korean culture. The funding has also established and strengthened the relationship between CSUSB and institutions in South Korea. “I believe it is invaluable for people to explore cultures other than their own,” says CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales. “These grants by the Korea Foundation have enabled the university to increase its activities related to Korean studies and enhance the opportunities for others to experience the uniqueness of Korean culture.” An endowment of $400,000 was awarded in June 2017 and a grant of $98,000 was received in July 2018. Since then, the Korea Foundation Grant Steering committee, led by Professor Bomi Hwang, lecturer in the CSUSB world languages and literatures department, has approved a number of activities that have benefited departments across campus. These awards have been used for collaborative research projects, conferences and seminars, and faculty and student exchanges. They have also helped establish scholarships for Fall 2018 and 2019. The funding has supported various campus events, such as the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art’s (RAFFMA) exhibition “Ancient Future: Contemporary Korean Artists Evoking the Past,” which was first displayed in early February. The exhibition, a collaboration between the Korean Cultural Center in Los Angeles and RAFFMA, featured four Korean artists. In conjunction with the exhibit, RAFFMA also hosted a traditional Korean tea ceremony in early March, which explored the customs and art of preparing and drinking tea. Additionally, the world languages and literatures department invited a native Korean poet and writer to be a guest speaker, and the music department will be presenting an on-campus concert of wind band music by Korean composers. The funds have also established a course in the English department where students read, discuss and analyze stories written by Korean authors with special attention to their cultural context. Several departments faculty have given the opportunity to travel. In the College of Arts and Letters, music department faculty will perform in South Korea; art department faculty will travel to South Korea to conduct research on the Korean Ceramics and to establish a collaboration between artists in California and Korea; and communication studies department will travel to New Zealand to design, conduct, and present a study of the influences of Korean entertainment media on U.S. college students’ perceptions of Korean people and culture. In the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, marketing department faculty will attend a conference in South Korea and conduct two field experiments in a large Korean inbound call center; management department faculty will travel to South Korea to develop a research project that focuses on how institutional context is transmitted to individuals in entrepreneurial organizations; and accounting and finance department faculty will attend a conference in South Korea to research audit quality by comparing South Korean firm-years subject to mandatory audit firm rotation with benchmark groups. In addition, accounting and finance department faculty led a study abroad program to visit the Seoul Metropolitan Government as well as the University of Seoul to explore Korean history, culture, social values, business practices and economic development. Further, nursing department will be visiting Eulji University in South Korea to explore nursing care practice and develop a collaborative research relationship with the university, and educational leadership and technology department faculty will travel to South Korea to conduct a study on technology education in Korean national universities. The Korea Foundation, which was created in 1991, was established “to promote awareness and understanding of Korea and to enhance goodwill and friendship among international community through its cultural, academic and intellectual exchange activities and programs.” Visit the Korea Foundation website to learn more. For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit