Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

A coalition led by state Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes and the Cal State San Bernardino Undocumented Student Success Center will host a forum, “DREAMers, Know Your Past & Know Your Rights,” on Friday, Oct. 26. The forum, which will focus on DREAMers and undocumented youth, begins at 10 a.m. and will take place in the CSUSB Santos Manuel Student Union. Space is limited, so an RSVP is required to attend. To reserve a spot, contact Roxanna Gracia at (909) 381-3238 or Parking at CSUSB is $6. The program will feature a series of panels that will discuss the history of the Southwestern region, rights and services for DREAMers, and a panel of DREAMers and family members who have experienced deportations.Joining Reyes and the CSUSB Undocumented Student Success Center in hosting the forum are Latino Education & Advocacy Days (LEAD), Dreamers Moms-USA/Tijuana, The Dream Center at San Bernardino Valley College, The Consulate of Mexico in San Bernardino, The Consulate of Guatemala in San Bernardino, LULAC, Chicano Latino Caucus of San Bernardino County, American Civil Liberties Union, ChiCCCAA (Chicano Indigenous Community for Culturally Conscious Advocacy & Action), Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, San Bernardino Community Service Center and The Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice.For more contact Roxanna Gracia at (909) 381-3238 or