Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

The Children’s Center and the Infant and Toddler Lab School at Cal State San Bernardino were awarded the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) grant, which will provide about $1.2 million over the next four years to help low-income student parents. “The primary aim of the CCAMPIS grant is to support student parents on campus through child care subsidies,” said Amanda Wilcox-Herzog, director of the CSUSB CCAMPIS program, faculty supervisor of the Infant and Toddler Lab School, and professor of psychology. “That said, the big benefit is that they have access to child care on campus for extremely low cost. This enables student parents to have the best care for their young children, on campus, while they attend class, study, and ultimately get their degrees.” “Providing a quality learning opportunity for the children of our students, faculty and staff is personal for me and my wife Evy,” said CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales. “Our first child was born at the end of our freshman year and indeed it would have been very difficult to complete our degrees if it was not for a quality campus-based child care option.” The U.S. Department of Education administers CCAMPIS, which also contributes to the university’s 2025 Graduation Initiative as it increases the likelihood of student parents completing their degrees. This is the fourth four-year CCAMPIS grand cycle for CSUSB. “Aside from a gap in the provision of the CCAMPIS program during the last academic year, CCAMPIS has been operating continuously on campus since 2005,” said Wilcox-Herzog. “During that time we have served hundreds of students, helping them to graduate and maintain good GPAs.” CAAMPIS recipients are required to be actively involved in four areas while receiving grant funding. They must volunteer for at least six hours per quarter, attend at least one parenting workshop with the CCAMPIS parenting education specialist, obtain academic counseling at least once for each quarter, and complete a quarterly survey. To learn more about the CCAMPIS program, visit the Cal State San Bernardino CCAMPIS website at For more information about CSUSB’s Infant and Toddler Lab School, visit the Infant and Toddler Lab School website. To learn more about CSUSB’s Children’s Center, visit the Children’s Center website. For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit