“Together We Rise — Educándonos Progresamos” will be the theme of the third Feria Educativa College and Career Fair, to be held on Saturday, Oct. 17, at California State University, San Bernardino.
In collaboration with a number of sponsors, CSUSB’s Latino Education and Advocacy Days project will host this community event to provide college-bound students and their families with information and resources to facilitate a pathway to college.
The California State University system is also a sponsor as part of the CSU Latino Systemwide Initiative.
The free event will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. in the university’s Santos Manuel Student Union Events Center. Parking will also be free in Lots C and D.
Co-chairs of this year’s Feria Educative are Olivia Rosas, CSUSB associate vice president for Enrollment Management, and Enrique Murillo, College of Education professor and the executive director of the LEAD project. They will also be moderators during the panel sessions.
There will be community forums, information sessions, workshops, activity centers and an outdoor festival, along with educational exhibits, vendors and an educational expo.
This year’s Honorary Chairpersons are Lilian Esther Hernandez, executive director of the Parent Institute for Quality Education’s regional offices in Riverside/San Bernardino and San Gabriel Valley, and Jorge B. Haynes, retired senior director of external relations for the California State University, Office of the Chancellor.
“We are so excited to have both Lilian and Jorge be a part of our third Feria,” said Murillo. “They are each champions for education and very prominent in our community.”
Rosas agrees. “Haynes has been the architect of many of the CSU’s out-of-the-box initiatives; and Lilian's work with parents is at the forefront of increasing the educational pipeline,” she said.
Also known as “Madrina de Honor,” Hernandez joined PIQE in 1999 as a facilitator, then as associate director before being promoted to executive director. For the past 10 years, she has been an essential part of PIQE, successfully leading and sustaining the two regional offices, expanding PIQE’s programs in the counties of Riverside and San Bernardino.
Since the opening of its Riverside office, more than 41,000 parents have graduated from PIQE’s programs, including 264 schools in 30 districts.
'I'm honored to be chosen as ‘Madrina de Honor’ for this year's Feria Educativa,' said Hernandez. 'I am passionate about educating our parents, and believe that education makes dreams come true, any time, any place, and for any person.' Translated to Spanish: “A traves de la educación, los sueños se hacen realidad, en cualquier tiempo, en cualquier lugar, y en cualquier persona.”
During her tenure, Hernandez has established partnerships with local university presidents, community leaders, school superintendents, principals, and other school representatives.
Born and raised in Puerto Cortes, Honduras, Hernandez immigrated to the United States in 1982. With a passion for helping others, she has participated in numerous conventions empowering women to overcome obstacles. In addition, she has lead workshops in Mexico, Cuba, Honduras and El Salvador.
Jorge B. Haynes, or “el Padrino de Honor,” is the retired senior director of external relations for The California State University, Office of the Chancellor. He was responsible for outreach to all CSU constituent groups and served as the primary liaison between the Chancellor's Office and underrepresented communities in California and nationally.
“It is an honor and privilege to be the ‘Padrino de Honor’ as ‘Padrino’ implies a responsibility to guide, lead and be a role model,” said Haynes, adding that it will be exciting to see Latino students, parents, faculty and administrators all in one place focused on one issue: student success.
“This event should instill a renewed commitment by the support team (i.e., parents, faculty, administrators, businesses and students) necessary to create a college-going culture, so that California can continue to lead the nation in education, economics and opportunity.”
Haynes coordinated the CSU's out-of-the-box initiatives, which have been nationally recognized and replicated in other states. The CSU's partnerships with African American churches, Latino organizations, Asian Pacific Islander representatives and Native American communities have created new pathways to underscore the need for academic preparation leading to a university education for traditionally underrepresented communities.
Some of the community forums will include “Familia a Familia,” by the Binational Parent Leadership, financial aid and other college resources; opportunities for DREAMers; and DACA/DAPA and immigration law, all in bilingual format.
CSUSB President Tomas D. Morales will give welcome remarks and will be joined on the platform by other presenters including Hugo René Oliva Romero, Cónsul adscrito de México en San Bernardino; Ted Alejandre, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools; Esmirna Valencia, executive director, Early Childhood Education Programs, Riverside County Office of Education; and Jay Fiene, dean, CSUSB College of Education.
There will be music and entertainment throughout the day. Food and beverages will be available for purchase from vendors on the Pfau Library lawn.
Community Forums will be webcast to more than 1,500 town hall viewing sites across the nation and globe via Live Global Webcast & On-Demand Replay online.
In addition to many CSUSB department sponsors, other external sponsors include San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools; The National Latino Education Network; and OmniTrans.
Community partners include San Bernardino City Unified School District; Riverside County Office of Education; Colton Joint Unified School District; Adelanto High School; Victor Valley College; PIQE; PUENTE; Catholic Education Foundation-Diocese of San Bernardino; Consulado de Carrera de Mexico, San Bernardino; California Association of Bilingual Education; Southern California Consortium of Hispanic Serving Institutions; Binational Parent Leadership Institute, Patada Educada; Project 2 Inspire; Santa Claus Inc.; Law Offices of Rosa Elena Sahagun; and La Prensa.
For more information about Feria Educativa, visit the LEAD Feria Educativa website.
Set in the foothills of the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains, CSUSB is a preeminent center of intellectual and cultural activity in inland Southern California. Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015, CSUSB serves more than 20,000 students each year and graduates about 4,000 students annually.
For more information about Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit news.csusb.edu.