NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at news@csusb.edu. CSUSB professor interviewed for article on mid-life career changesLiveMint.comJune 28, 2018Eric Vogelsang, a CSUSB assistant professor of sociology, is quoted in an article about career changes by people who reach 40 years or older. Also cited was a study, “Emotional Well-Being Following a Later Life Career Change: The Roles of Agency and Resources,” he worked on with Kenneth Shultz, CSUSB professor of psychology, and Deborah Olson, professor of management and leadership at the University of La Verne.Despite the challenges, late-life career changes often result in a positive emotional outlook, according to a study published in January in The International Journal Of Ageing And Human Development.Three important factors contribute to this. “If you have the financial resources, your family is supportive, and you wanted to change your career rather than ‘had to’, you will be in a positive state during the transition phase,” says Vogelsang the study researcher. It’s important to start saving money during your younger working years to prepare for possible career changes in future, no matter whether you want the change or are forced into it by a change in the economy. Read the complete article at “It’s not too late to think about a new career at 40.”This news clip and others may be found at “In the Headlines” on the Inside CSUSB website.