Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

In gratitude for their exceptional work and substantial contributions they provide to the university, Cal State San Bernardino inaugurated a campus-wide Student Employee Appreciation Day.
The event, which was held at the university’s Santos Manuel Student Union on April 30, honored eight student employees who each received an Outstanding Student Employee Award of the Year. The students received the award based on the criteria of reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism and uniqueness of contribution to the department, campus or community, said Rodrigo Mercado of the CSUSB Human Resources department.
The student honorees are: Yi-Chun (Gina) Yeh, College of Extended Learning; Natasha Fowler, Parking Services; Ricky Courtes, Web Services; Ailasor Perez Santaella, Financial Aid/Workstudy; Alana Muller, Annual Giving; Raul Maldonado, Queer & Transgender Resource Center; Andrea Olayo, Office of the President; and Mellissa Patton, Associated Students Inc.
After the awards, the student employees had a complimentary lunch (In-N-Out) followed by games, music and prizes.