Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

Cal State San Bernardino’s annual Meeting of the Minds symposium, which recognizes student research and creative projects, held a surprise for a faculty member, who was recognized for her own research and work with students.
“Dr. Gisela Bichler has been selected as the winner of the 2017-18 Outstanding Scholarship, Research and Creative Activities Award for her impressive contributions to the field of criminal justice,” said CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales as he welcomed Bichler to the stage at the conclusion of his welcoming remarks to start the symposium on May 17.
Bichler, who joined the university and the department in 2000, was surprised, but deeply appreciative of the honor.
“I’m not one for speeches, but there are two people that really need to be thanked. (Criminal justice department chair) Dr. Larry Gaines, actually is so important. A chair needs to be able to protect and support the work of their faculty to do exceptional work,” Bichler said. “The second is my partner Illya Robertson … It’s really important to have the support of those in your department and your home.”
After the presentation, Bichler said she was still shocked by the honor.
“Sometimes you have no idea if what you are doing day in and day out matters,” said Bichler.
Morales also surprised history professor Cherstin Lyon with the announcement that she had been named the winner of both the 2017-18 Outstanding Professor Award and the 2017-18 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award.
Morales said the 2017-18 Outstanding Scholarship, Research and Creative Activities Award includes a $2,000 Faculty Professional Development Grant, recognition at the College of Social and Behavioral Science commencement ceremony in June at Citizen’s Business Bank Arena, and being honored at the annual Faculty Recognition Luncheon.
Bichler has spent the last 18 years building a sterling reputation that extends regionally to nationally, and even internationally, in the field of criminal justice. She teaches a wide variety of both undergraduate and graduate courses, mentors both undergraduate and graduate students, serves as the coordinator of the Crime Analysis Program (with more than 100 majors) and also as the director of the Center for Criminal Justice Research.
The awards committee quoted her department chair and colleagues as saying, “Dr. Bichler has accomplished more in the last five years [than] what many scholars do in their entire career. Her record of scholarship over the past handful of years is simply incredible ...”
She has received previous recognition for her excellence in teaching and research at CSUSB with the Academic Affairs 2016-17 award for Exceptional Service to Students and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences’ 2011-12 award for Outstanding Professional Achievement. Her service on the editorial boards of leading journals as well as professional boards in the field of criminal justice resulted in the 2004-05 J.D. Lohman Award for Outstanding Service to the Western Science of Criminology.
Her research and scholarship have produced a significant number of published books, articles and conference papers — 42 scholarly works and 40 technical reports, in addition to numerous presentations. Her current research, in the field of social network analysis, has led her to a new approach — “Networked Theory of Opportunity” — and a book project is underway in this groundbreaking area of study.
Bichler regularly includes students in her research: 40 percent of her publications list students as co-authors. She also routinely includes students in her research with law enforcement as well as public service agencies.
The committee also noted that she has “provided a wealth of pro bono support to local and national police departments and public service agencies, all in an effort to help understand patterns of criminal activity and, ultimately, a reduction in crime.”
Bichler received her B.A. in criminology from Simon Fraser University in Canada, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in criminal justice from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark. New Jersey.
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