Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

It was a festive day at Cal State San Bernardino, filled with tributes, patriotism and celebrations of food industry giant, the late Jack H. Brown, to honor and commemorate the philanthropist, businessman and hometown hero as part of the ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly named The Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration.
The college was named after Brown, the executive chairman of Stater Bros. Markets, who made the single largest cash gift to the university in its history as it completed its 50th anniversary year-long celebration last year. Brown passed away in November 2016. A long-time supporter of CSUSB and education, Brown considered his personal gift as an investment in the Inland Empire's future success.
The college entrance and surrounding areas where the ceremony took place was covered with red, white and blue banners. More than 200 attendees wore pins of the U.S. flag to reflect Brown’s love of country. The flags were in tribute to Brown who was born on June 14, Flag Day.
“The university is extremely fortunate to have had Jack Brown as a friend and supporter,” CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales said. “He championed our students, our mission and our institution. His support was far-reaching, including the development of Jack H. Brown Hall and establishing a scholarship fund for single mothers named in honor of his own mother, Rose Brown.”
He added that the university commemoration of the naming of the college was “about far more than ceremony.
“It is about Jack Brown’s impact on our university and this community,” Morales said. “It honors Jack’s belief that the future is rife with promise as well as his certitude that the Inland Empire will grow in strength and stature as long as well-trained, caring graduates continue to enter the work force.
Morales also praised Brown’s widow, Debbie Brown, “who has devoted her time and talent serving her community. A recognized leader and advocate for children, individuals and families in need, Debbie is a voice for the troubled and the neglected. She is fully committed to the Inland Empire and those who call it home.
“On behalf of CSUSB, I thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for our university and this region. I especially thank you for graciously sharing Jack with us,” Morales said. “His love for this community was second only to his love for you. Your willingness to share his time and benevolence over the years is a gift we will always treasure.”
Brown’s endowment will support academic enrichment and scholarships for local students in the Brown College. It will also support veterans who are students, help expand research opportunities, enhance technology and the learning environment, support the outstanding efforts of faculty and staff at the Brown College, and attract new faculty to the college.
Brown was truly a local hero. He was raised in San Bernardino, attended Washington and Lytle Creek Elementary schools, Richardson Junior High, San Bernardino High School, and San Bernardino Valley College.
A U.S. Navy veteran, Brown earned many significant honors, including being named one of 10 1992 Horatio Alger Award winners in Washington, D.C.; in 2005 the Sidney R. Rabb Award, the supermarket industry's highest award, from the Food Marketing Institute; and in 2011 the prestigious “PATRIOTS AWARD” from the Medal of Honor Society of the United States.
Brown was always a passionate supporter of education and enrichment at all levels, from his involvement as the founding chairman of Children’s Fund of San Bernardino County, a public/private agency devoted to protecting abused and at-risk children which to date has helped more than 1.4 million children; mentoring work with students at his alma mater, San Bernardino High School; the creation of the Rose Brown Scholarships at CSUSB, named in honor of his mother; his support of college scholarships for employees of Stater Bros.; and his contributions toward building Jack H. Brown Hall at CSUSB.
About The Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration
The Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration is a nationally and internationally respected program that creates a student-centered learning community, preparing students to become productive members in business, government, and global society. The college enjoys Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation, which represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools worldwide. Less than five percent of the world's 13,000 business programs have earned AACSB accreditation. In addition, the Masters in Public Administration program is proud to be accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).
Visit the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration website for more information on the college and its programs.
For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit