Join us in raising campus awareness during Q2S Awareness Days on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18-19, and to learn more about the Quarter 2 Semester conversion and consider how the academic calendar change will impact you.
Look for student, staff and faculty programs, sessions and information tables in the area of the Center for Global Innovation (CGI) and the John M. Pfau Library on Tuesday, and the Center for Global Innovation and Performing Arts building on Wednesday.
The schedule:
Tuesday, Feb. 18
- 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Tabling by Undergraduate Studies on the Coyote Walkway
- Noon-1 p.m.: GE Information Session (for faculty/advisors), Pfau Library, room PL-4005A
- 1- 1:30 p.m.: Best Practices in Converting/Transforming Quarter Courses for the Semester (for faculty), Pfau Library, room PL-4005A
- 2-5 p.m.: Q2S Resource Room (for staff/faculty), the Center for Global Innovation, room CGI 209
Wednesday, Feb. 19
- 9 a.m.-noon: Q2S Resource Room (for staff/faculty), the Center for Global Innovation, room CGI 209
- 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Tabling by Undergraduate Studies in front of the Performing Arts building
- Noon-1 p.m.: Q2S Information Session (for students) in the Performing Arts building Recital Hall (PA-102)
The campus conversion from a quarter to semester schedule is rapidly approaching -- the Fall Semester begins on Aug. 24 (Saturday classes begin on Aug. 22) -- and now is the time for you and your department to consider, discuss and plan on the changes the Quarter 2 Semester conversion may bring to your department and you as you serve the campus community and ensure our students’ success.
Go to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar on the Quarter 2 Semester website to learn when, and discuss with your department how the new schedule may affect your department’s operations.