Joe Gutierrez | CSUSB Office of Strategic Communication | (951) 236-4522 |

The topic of equity partnerships to promote the success of students and schools despite challenges and barriers they may face will be the focus of a keynote presentation by Angela Clark-Louque, Cal State San Bernardino professor of educational leadership and technology, for a Black History Month program by the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles.
“Give the People What They Want: Using the 7 Cs Family Engagement Framework to Create Equity Partnerships” is the title of the presentation by Clark-Louque, set for 2:30-3:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, on Zoom. RSVP online at the Museum of Tolerance’s event page.
According to the museum’s website, “Clark-Louque will discuss research studies that report how many families, particularly those diverse in color, socioeconomic status, and ability have strained to be a part of their children’s and youth’s education. Participants will gain insights into how educators and families can create school partnerships that encourage and influence families in becoming an integral part of students’ educational lives and academic achievements.”
She will discuss the application of the 7 Cs model – collaboration, communication, caring, culture, community, connectedness and collective responsibility – “for family and community engagement to open access and opportunity while revealing ways to forge more culturally inclusive partnerships,” the museum website says. “This Culturally Proficient Framework is composed of strategies that guide our roles as educators and family members to provide equitable access, opportunities, and outcomes in a virtual learning environment.”
Clark-Louque co-authored “Equity Partnerships, A culturally Proficient Guide to Family, School, and Community Engagement.” A review of the book by Trudy Arriaga, associate dean for Equity and Outreach at California Lutheran University, says, “Here at last is a resource that will open up access and reveal all-new ways to forge more culturally inclusive partnerships with families and communities … partnerships that extend well beyond parent-teacher conferences, PTA meetings, and the occasional bake sale.”
The past department chair of Educational Leadership and Technology at CSUSB has served as associate dean of academic affairs, director of graduate studies, department chair of doctoral studies, director of educational administration, and director of teacher education. Her leadership has focused on urban educational leadership, developing organizational and community engagement capacity, and building a culture of equity. Prior to these roles, she served as a CalWorks and EOPS counselor and mathematics faculty at the community college level, as an administrator, and mathematics, social sciences, and band instructor at the high school level.
Clark-Louque earned her doctorate in educational leadership from Pepperdine University, a master of arts in counseling from Loyola Marymount University and a bachelor of arts from the University of California, Los Angeles.