Joe Gutierrez | Office of Strategic Communication | (909) 537-3007 |

Students and their families can now stay in touch with the Cal State San Bernardino campus through its new online platform: the Coyote Family Portal, which launched in early September. Within the first week, more than 1,700 individuals had already registered.
The Coyote Family Portal provides regular communications with personalized newsletters, announcements and information regarding campus events and deadlines.
“Parents and families become an additional support resource for students that will ultimately lead to higher student yield during the recruitment, application and transition of new students,” said Maria Domingo, senior coordinator for Orientation and First Year Experiences. “It will also lead to greater retention and student success.”
One of the features of the Coyote Family Portal will assist parents and family members stay informed on their student’s progress in the enrollment cycle to help them stay on top of deadlines and to-do lists.
“We know that today’s parents and families will be involved in their student’s college selection, so being engaged with parents will help CSUSB also stay engaged with the student,” said Domingo.
The portal will also help bridge the information gap between parents and families and the university with timely, personalized information from across campus and provide updated information on what is happening on campus such as upcoming events, news and deadlines.
Parents and families who sign up are automatically enrolled in certain groups such as CSUSB News, Student Success, and Financial Aid and Scholarships, but they can also join specific communities to personalize their portal experience. For example, different communities include First-Generation College Students, Accessibility Resources, Athletics, and Military-Affiliated and Veteran Families.
“From feedback we have received, we know that parents and other family members want to be involved in their student’s education,” said Domingo. “The Coyote Family Portal allows CSUSB staff and faculty to work together to help keep parents and families informed of what is happening on campus, which helps them better support their students academically, personally and professionally.”