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Far-right, white nationalists step up rhetoric after Trump verdict
June 7, 2024

Brian Levin, the recently retired director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino, discussed the reaction of right-wing extremists to the guilty verdict a New York jury entered against Donald Trump.

Google searches for "rigged trial," "boycott New York" and "kill the judge" also spiked after the verdict, Levin tells Axios. "While violent and intimidation-directed rhetoric definitively sloped up, it did so the week before the conviction, when there were similar false narratives concerning some of Mr. Trump's other difficulties already in mainstream circulation."

Levin said that "Dox the jurors" and "kill Biden" were other Google searches that went up after the verdict.

The bottom line: Extremist groups' broad expression of conspiracies and aggression in response to current events is now the norm and is becoming more mainstream, Levin said.

CSUSB professor publishes book on the Grand Canyon
University of Nebraska Press

Yolonda Youngs (geography and environmental studies) has published “Framing Nature: The Creation of an American Icon at the Grand Canyon,” in which she “traces the idea of the Grand Canyon as an icon and the ways people came to know it through popular imagery and visual media,” according to the publisher’s website. “Youngs considers the manipulation and commodification of visual representations and shifting ideas, values, and meanings of nature, exploring the interplay between humans and their environments and how visual representations shape popular ideas and meanings about national parks and the American West. ‘Framing Nature’ provides a novel interpretation of how places, especially national parks, are transformed into national and environmental symbols.”

An Unmet goal? A Scale Development and Model test of the role of Inclusive Leadership
Journal of Business and Psychology

Nicholas Moon (psychology) coauthored a paper on inclusive leadership. From the abstract: “There is a lack of evidence on whether inclusive leadership (IL) truly fosters inclusion for those in historically marginalized groups. Further, a conceptually up-to-date and practically useful measure of IL is lacking. Thus, in two separate phases, we first present a newly developed measure of IL and then test an empirical model.”

These news clips and others may be viewed at “In the Headlines.”