Lt. Col. John J. McBrearty (U.S. Army retired), a former assistant professor of military science at Cal State San Bernardino and a Written by Veterans author, has published his 10th book, “How to Get Published on Amazon: A Guide for Beginning Writers.”
McBrearty’s latest work presents the fundamentals of writing aimed at budding authors. “If you read, study, and follow the methods prescribed in this book, you WILL develop into a writer,” according to the book’s webpage. “Through the use of my simple, yet effective, writing exercises, along with a little effort on your part, you can be up and running as a writer in no time.”
“John’s uniquely simple approach gives his readers the tools and foundation needed to get started writing a manuscript,” said Andreas Kossak, former adjunct professor for screenwriting at CSUSB and founder of Written by Veterans.
Shortly afterward, on the 8th anniversary of D-Day on June 6, McBrearty’s “Army Values: Lessons in Leadership From Operation Iraqi Freedom,” was released as an audiobook. Initially published in March 2024, the book is a study of leadership based on McBrearty’s three-decade-long military career that culminated with recognition by President Barack Obamna.
Both of McBrearty’s books and the audiobook are available on Amazon. For more information, visit McBrearty’s website, www.johnwriteshistory.com.
Written by Veterans is an initiative of CSUSB’s Veterans Success Center. Launched originally in 2014, it has evolved into a hybrid writing group for veterans to grow their writing skills and eventually publish their work through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. There is no cost to the participants to join or be members, and they retain all rights and proceeds from their book sales. The only cost they incur is the fee for registering their books’ copyrights.