Rachel Scheer, Director | External Communications, Academia & Government, Clarivate | newsroom@clarivate.com

Cal State San Bernardino is one of three California State University campuses that are early adopters of Alethea, an AI student engagement solution from ClarivateTM, the company has announced. Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence.
Alethea will serve as an academic coach to enhance student outcomes, helping students engage more deeply with course readings and elevate their learning skills. In this phase of the multi-campus partnership, Alethea will be implemented at CSUSB, Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State Los Angeles.
At Cal State San Bernardino, the project is being led by the CSUSB Libraries, with librarians Sanjeet Mann, William Ortiz and Jennifer Beamer working with the university's Faculty Center for Excellence.
Alethea flips the script on the use of AI, guiding students to the core of their course readings, helping them distill takeaways and prepare for effective class discussion, all while promoting academic integrity through responsible use of AI.
Additionally, Alethea features the AI-powered Instructor Assistant, which enables educators to easily generate effective questions that bring reading assignments to life. Alethea seamlessly integrates into existing learning management system workflows.
Leslie Kennedy, CSU assistant vice chancellor for Academic Technology Services said, “Alethea aligns with several CSU initiatives centered on improving student academic success and learning. This collaboration underscores the CSU’s commitment to explore cutting-edge AI technology to foster academic excellence and support student success.”
Oren Beit-Arie, senior vice president Strategy & Innovation, Academia & Government at Clarivate said, “With Alethea, students at the CSU will have a personalized Academic coach to expand their engagement with course readings, nurture learning skills and lead them to academic success. Powered by the Clarivate Academic AI platform, our technology backbone, Alethea enables instructors to confidently incorporate AI into their teaching in a responsible way.”
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