Alan Llavore | Office of Marketing and Communications | (909) 537-5007 |

Students, teachers, educational leaders, volunteers and family members — about 500 in all — from throughout San Bernardino County will come to Cal State San Bernardino on Saturday, March 1, for a National History Day Competition.
Working with the theme, “Rights and Responsibilities,” students from fourth grade through high school senior will present their research-based history/social science-based projects in the Santos Manuel Student Union-South beginning with student check-in and project set up at 8 a.m. Presentations will take place until 2 p.m., with the awards ceremony beginning at 4 p.m.
Students in grades 6-12 will compete in following categories:
- Documentaries (Individual or Group)
- Exhibits (Individual or Group)
- Websites (Individual or Group)
- Performances (Individual or Group)
- Podcast (Individual or Group)
Individual entries are the result of one student's work. Group entries are the combined work of two to five students. Winners from each category will be selected to represent San Bernardino County at the state event.
Students in grades four and five will participate in poster and podcast completions (individually or in a group) and are not eligible for national competition.
According the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools website, “History Day is an interdisciplinary program that encourages students to research and prepare exhibits, performances, documentaries, websites, posters, and podcasts on an annual historical theme. Students increase their knowledge of history through classroom activities within the content and process of social studies and language arts curriculum.”
The county event is part of the statewide National History Day California for students in grades 4-12, encouraging them to engage in historical inquiry on a topic of their choice and to use their research to create their history day project.