As part of CSUSB’s celebration of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the university is showcasing a number of earlier stories highlighting the university’s ongoing work and leadership in the field.

As part of the three-year grant for the Community College Cyber Pilot Program, the CSUSB Cybersecurity Center will partner with Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, Wash.

Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) are included in news reports.

As part of the three-year grant for the Community College Cyber Pilot Program, the CSUSB Cybersecurity Center will partner with Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, Wash.

Kelly Campbell (psychology) and Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences and CSUSB Cybersecurity Center director) discuss their expertise with news media; Richard Addante (psychology) co-authored a paper published in Cognitive Neuroscience.