Terrence Floyd, the founder of the We Are Floyd Foundation and a board member of the George Floyd Memorial Foundation, discussed how to promote change, how to deal with grief, law enforcement and his brother, George.

The Social Justice Summit, to be held March 2 at 4 p.m., will feature Terrence Floyd, the founder of the We Are Floyd Foundation and a board member of the George Floyd Memorial Foundation.

Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) spoke at a seminar organized by Ethiopia’s Supreme Court and a previously published quote by Brian Levin (criminal justice) was included in an article on white supremacists’ propaganda activity.

An article co-written by Meredith Conroy (political science) was cited in a news report about making Utah elections ‘friendlier to women,’ and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) wrote about the transformation of Ethiopia.

Mary Fong (communication studies), Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) and Breanna Putman (biology) were included in recent news coverage on various topics related to their expertise.

Richard Addante (psychology), James Brown (English), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Kelly Campbell (psychology) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in recent news coverage.

Carmen Jany (world languages and literatures), David Yaghoubian (history), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in news coverage of various topics.

Brian Levin (criminal justice) discusses the latest increase in hate crime, and improvements in reporting such incidents, and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus), wrote on freedom of expression and opinion in Ethiopia.

Alemayehu G. Mariam, CSUSB professor emeritus, political science, spoke at the inaugural Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (EDTF) fundraising gala on Dec. 12. He is the chair of the trust fund.