Nicholas Bratcher, CSUSB assistant professor of music and director of bands, created his book “Rainbow Jukebox” not only for his LGBTQ+ Perspectives in American Music course, but for anyone “who wishes to be emboldened by its pages.” It will be the topic of his presentation on Tuesday, Feb. 15, on Zoom.

Kimberly-Anne Anacleto, chair of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer plus Faculty, Staff and Student Association (LGBTQ+FSSA), is elevating Coyote voices and reconnecting the association with the community through leadership.

Research by Daniel MacDonald (economics) was cited in article about employee wages and consumer prices, David Yaghoubian (history) was interviewed about the latest talks on the Iran nuclear agreement, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed topics related to extremism and hate crimes.

A screening and discussion of the film “Pride Denied: Homonationalism and the Future of Queer Politics,” will be the focus of the next Conversations on Race and Policing, 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 12, on Zoom.

Brian Levin, criminal justice professor and director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, comments on the bombing of an El Monte church where its pastor calls for violence against the LGBTQ community, and the center continues to be cited in coverage of hate crimes targeting Asian Americans.

Ann M. Johnson (management) wrote about the U.S. Supreme Court case Bostock vs. Clayton County, Georgia, and news media continued to interview Brian Levin (criminal justice) for his analysis of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“Connecting at the Intersections” is the theme of this year’s celebrations for LGBTQ+ Hxstory Month. CSUSB has been holding a series of programs to celebrate the community and its contributions to society.

Brian Levin (criminal justice) interviewed about Israel-Palestine debate at Pitzer College, an alleged white power gesture flashed on national TV, and the background of a group that was linked to the two suspects in the Dec. 11 Jersey City shooting.

David Yaghoubian (history) discussed the third election in Israel inside of a year, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about the Jersey City mass shooting and white supremacists recruiting from inside law enforcement agencies.