Jordyn Rivera, a fourth-year student in the CSUSB health care management program, was one of the 59 people lost in the Las Vegas mass shooting. Two GoFundMe pages have been set up to benefit her family.

Finance professor Jim Estes discusses the Coachella Valley’s knowledge economy, and news media seek criminal justice professor Brian Levin’s analysis and expertise in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Cal State San Bernadino will hold a candlelight vigil on campus on Tuesday, Oct. 10 from 4-6:30 p.m. to celebrate the life of student Jordyn Rivera, who was killed during the attack in Las Vegas last week.

Liliana Gallegos (communications studies) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) share their expertise with the news media.

About 400 people gathered at CSUSB on Oct. 10 to celebrate the life of student Jordyn Rivera, who was one of 58 people killed in a mass shooting during a country music festival in Las Vegas.