The Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art at CSUSB hosted a public reception on Sept. 5 for its latest exhibit, “Korean Craft: Yesterday and Today,” a collaboration with South Korea’s Sookmyung Women’s University Museum, the Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles and the Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange.

James Fenelon (sociology), Bomi Hwang (world languages and literatures) Codi Lazar (geological sciences) and Anthony Silard (public administration) were included in recent news coverage.

“I’m shocked. I didn’t expect this at all, but it’s good to see you all and thank you so very much for the kind words about myself and what I do. It means a lot to me, and it means a lot to my students as well,” Hwang said after she was surprised with the award by CSUSB President Tomás Morales and a group of fellow faculty on April 7.