Tara Prakash, assistant professor of ancient art at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, is the W. Benson Harer Egyptology Scholar in Residence for fall.

The documentary “Khoon Diy Baarav (Blood Leaves Its Trail)” will be shown at CSUSB on Monday, Nov. 13, with a Q&A session with its director, Iffat Fatima, following the film.

The 2017-18 academic year marks history professor Robert “Bob” Blackey’s 50th and final year of teaching at CSUSB, the first faculty member at the university to reach this milestone.

From Robert Blackey celebrates his 50th year of teaching, Alemayehu Mariam comments on the fall of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, David Yaghoubian is interviewed about on Saudi-German relations, and Brian Levin discusses hate crimes.

Four CSUSB students have been selected for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, a two-year program primarily for underrepresented students who intend to pursue a doctorate in the humanities.

A group of CSUSB students are the inaugural recipients of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, a two-year program that provides support to underrepresented students to pursue a doctorate in the humanities.

The annual fair at the Santos Manuel Student Union is in support of Global Disability Awareness Day, and is free and open to the public.

The Dr. Robert Blackey Endowed Student Award Fund has been increased to $50,000, thanks to contributions from Blackey, a professor emeritus from the history department.