James Fenelon (sociology) will be a panelist at a Sept. 12 program discussing the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons crisis, Kimberly Collins (public administration) co-authored a new study about building infrastructure for the electrification of the trucking industry, and Jennifer Andersen (English) wrote an opinion piece on name-calling in political discourse.

Two-time CSUSB alumna Carolina Carlos led a comprehensive research study to understand how housing affordability and transportation accessibility intersect in the Inland Empire, particularly impacting disadvantaged communities. Her efforts earned her the Southern California Association of Governments Student Showcase Poster Jury Award.

Eric Vogelsang (sociology), Kimberly Collins (public administration), Thomas McWeeney (public administration) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news media coverage in areas of their expertise.

When it comes to addressing and providing solutions for transportation issues facing Southern California, Kimberly Collins, professor of public administration and executive director of the Leonard Transportation Center, asks, “How does the public work with the private sector to create solutions?"

Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the identity of the Capitol Riot bomb suspect and challenges in the ‘Unite the Right’ jury selection; Sally McGill (geology) talked about the Banning fault strand; and Kimberly Collins (William and Barbara Leonard Transportation Center) was quoted about the $25,000 grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for the Pathway to Logistics program.

Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the latest FBI hate crime report and Kimberly Collins (public administration) was quoted in an article about the Leonard Transportation Center receiving a grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to support the Pathways to Logistics program.

Kimberly Collins (public administration) was quoted in an article about the Leonard Transportation Center receiving a grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to support the Pathways to Logistics program, Congressional testimony by Brian Levin (criminal justice) was cited in an article about anti-Asian hate crimes, and Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote on “How to Reduce Time Online and Develop Strong Relationships.”

The grant will be used for CSUSB’s Pathways to Logistics program, which prepares high school students in San Bernardino and Riverside counties for careers in managerial and professional positions in the logistics industry.

Rudy Morales Gamez (master’s in public administration) is the Outstanding Graduate Student, and Marlene Baumann (accounting) is the Outstanding Undergraduate Student, the college has announced.