School of Criminology and Criminal Justice faculty Reveka V. Shteynberg, Gisela Bichler, Alexis Norris, Zachary Powell, Douglas Weiss, and Nicole Collier have recently published their research in several journals.

The Riverside County Probation Department has agreed to contract with CSUSB’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice to evaluate its Systemic Racism Project.

A paper on civil gang injunctions by Gisela Bichler and Alexis Norris (criminal justice) was published Nov. 11, Kimberley Cousins (chemistry and biochemistry) discussed career options for graduates, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about Donald Trumps allegations of election fraud from a legal perspective.

“Race and Policing,” a student-hosted panel presentation and campus conversation, was the second in a series, and covered issues related to institutional racism and its history, as well as police brutality and campus support resources.

The panel discussion and conversation led by students, with a panel to include students, faculty, staff, administrators and campus guests, will include discussion issues related to institutional racism and history, as well as police brutality and campus support resources.