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Center for Global Innovation, Faculty in the News
March 3, 2025

Ahlam Muhtaseb (media studies) was interviewed for a feature on the “Phoenix of Gaza XR” project, David Yaghoubian (history) was a guest on “The Adnan Husain Show” to discuss the modern history of Iran, and Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) was interviewed about the latest hate crime statistics.

Screenshot from “What Now? With Trevor Noah Podcast” featuring Ruha Benjamin, sociologist and MacArthur Fellowship winner (center), who discussed the “Phoenix of Gaza XR” project as part of her interview.
February 26, 2025

“The Phoenix of Gaza XR,” a virtual reality endeavor developed by Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of communication and media studies, and her former student, CSUSB alumnus Naim Aburaddi, was the topic of discussion on podcasts by Trevor Noah and WGBH’s “Culture Show.”

Center for Global Innovation, Faculty in the News
January 2, 2025

Ahlam Muhtaseb (media studies) discussed the Phoenix of Gaza XR virtual reality project, Lucy Lewis (music) was interviewed about the inaugural performance of the San Bernardino Youth Symphony Orchestra, Terezie Tolar-Peterson (health and human ecology) is the principal investigator for a grant aimed at combating acute child malnutrition in Nigeria, and Stuart Sumida (biology) discussed researchers’ access to privately owned fossils.

Virtual reality headset
December 13, 2024

Each calendar year, the xREAL Lab works with faculty fellows, undergraduate and graduate students, affiliates across disciplines, community partners and other academic institutions to provide a vision for the future of teaching and learning, meaningful mentorship and hands-on experience for the students, and sustainable innovation for the larger campus community.

Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of media studies, (left) with her former student, Naim Aburaddi ’22, (M.A., communication studies), 21-22 Outstanding Graduate Student for College of Arts and Letters, at the Toyota Arena in Ontario, Calif. for Spring Commencement on May 21, 2022.
December 13, 2024

The project, titled “The Phoenix of Gaza XR,” is a collaborative virtual reality endeavor, which uses immersive technologies to document life in Gaza, was developed by Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of communication and media studies, and her former student, CSUSB alumnus Naim Aburaddi.

Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of media studies and recipient of the prestigious 2024 Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab Summer Fellowship from Princeton University’s Department of African American Studies
September 13, 2024

Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of media studies at CSUSB, has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab Summer Fellowship from Princeton University’s Department of African American Studies.

Kristi Papailler and students in fall 2021
September 12, 2023

For the first time, CSUSB has introduced motion capture technology into its theatre training. Performance capture will be coming next. Kristi Papailler, assistant professor of acting and directing, breaks it down for us.

Mortarboard and illustration of a diploma
September 5, 2023

The Faculty Center for Excellence also begins the new academic year with an expanded new structure that unifies faculty support and professional development in one center.

art sculpture, Faculty in the News
August 17, 2023

Mihaela Popescu (communication studies) discussed the new CSUSB-Annenberg Pipeline Program with the Annenberg School for Communication, Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) introduced the new Entrepreneurial Resource Center, a partnership with the city of San Bernardino, Andrea Giuffren (criminal justice) coauthored a study on the long-term impact of juvenile crime, and Donna Garcia (psychology) coauthored research on claims of bias by “high-status” groups.