Intelligent.com ranked CSUSB in 21 categories in its list of best degree programs for 2022. Its research identifies programs in the nation based on flexibility, faculty, course strength, cost, and reputation.

CSUSB, listed in the top 50, was specifically recognized as the “Best State University System,” according to Intelligent.com.

Intelligent.com has recognized CSUSB as having one of the top 50 Best MSW Degree Programs in the nation for 2021. CSUSB, listed at No. 5, was specifically recognized for having the “Most Flexible Program.”

According to Intelligent.com, the comprehensive research guide is based on an assessment of 1,280 accredited colleges and universities. Each program is evaluated based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment.

Take a look back to earlier this spring when Lacey Kendall and three friends developed technology to help historic Black churches in Riverside and San Bernardino counties go virtual as the COVID-19 pandemic prevented gatherings such as worship services.

A look back: Earlier this spring, CSUSB was named the best California college for civic engagement according to Intelligent.com in its list of “The Best Colleges in California.”

Cal State San Bernardino has been named the best California college for civic engagement according to Intelligent.com in its list of “The Best Colleges in California.”