Larry Hygh (communication studies) talks about Black history from a personal perspective, Jing Zhang (management) wrote a research article about support for employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was asked to help fact-check a TV news commentator’s statement about the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot.

Kevin Grisham (geography and environmental studies), Meredith Conroy (political science), Janet Kottke (psychology), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) and David Yaghoubian (history) were included in recent news coverage.

Janet L. Kottke, CSUSB professor of psychology, has been honored with the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s Distinguished Teaching Contributions Award.

L. Kottke (psychology), Meredith Conroy (political science), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and David Yaghoubian (history) are mentioned in news media coverage.

Cal State San Bernardino’s graduate program in industrial/organizational psychology has been ranked No. 5 in curriculum and No. 15 overall in the nation by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Mark Agars, professor of psychology and director of the Institute for Child Development and Family Relations, will be the keynote speaker at the third annual HARC Coachella Valley Workplace Wellness Awards luncheon on Thursday, June 7.