Bryan Castillo (geological sciences) was interviewed about whether earthquakes can be predicted, Miranda M. McIntyre (psychology) published research on the subjective characteristics of individual differences in interests, and Joseph Tormey (hospitality management) and Eric Newman (marketing) published a paper on the use of social media marketing to promote the hospitality management program.

Sally McGill (geology) commented on the risk of earthquakes in the Coachella Valley and Rachel Beech (AVP for enrollment management) was quoted in a report about Associate Degree for Transfers.

Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the identity of the Capitol Riot bomb suspect and challenges in the ‘Unite the Right’ jury selection; Sally McGill (geology) talked about the Banning fault strand; and Kimberly Collins (William and Barbara Leonard Transportation Center) was quoted about the $25,000 grant from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for the Pathway to Logistics program.