Stuart Sumida is the 2022-23 recipient of the university’s Golden Apple Award, which recognizes outstanding faculty who excel in the profession of teaching and have a significant impact on students with whom they interact.

Recent news media coverage highlighted the expertise of Vincent Nestler (information and decision sciences), Stuart Sumida (biology), Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Katherine Gray (art) and Brian Levin (criminal justice).

Codi Lazar (geological science), Riguad Joseph (social work), Brian Levin (criminal justice), David Yaghoubian (history), Stuart Sumida (biology), Fadi Muheidat (computer sciences), Kristi Papailler (theatre arts) and Wagner Prado (kinesiology) were mentioned in recent news coverage.

Stuart Sumida, professor of biology, will be installed as Society of Vertebrate Paleontology vice president in November and will automatically become the society’s president in November 2024.