Ahlam Muhtaseb (media studies) discussed the Phoenix of Gaza XR virtual reality project, Lucy Lewis (music) was interviewed about the inaugural performance of the San Bernardino Youth Symphony Orchestra, Terezie Tolar-Peterson (health and human ecology) is the principal investigator for a grant aimed at combating acute child malnutrition in Nigeria, and Stuart Sumida (biology) discussed researchers’ access to privately owned fossils.

The project, titled “The Phoenix of Gaza XR,” is a collaborative virtual reality endeavor, which uses immersive technologies to document life in Gaza, was developed by Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of communication and media studies, and her former student, CSUSB alumnus Naim Aburaddi.

The virtual reality environment was introduced as part of the event, titled “Yesterday's Future: The Centuries-Long Quest For Virtual Reality,” hosted by the Annenberg Virtual Reality ColLABorative.