“Dr. Bichler has excelled in the classroom, building connections with her students that last long after graduation,” said CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales of the criminal justice professor. “She is passionate about her work and shares that energy and excitement with those around her.”

News of Montgomery Van Wart (public administration) being named the 2022-23 Outstanding Professor and the work of Brian Levin (criminal justice) through the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism was included in recent news coverage, and research by Nerea Marteache (criminal justice) on the illicit removal of downed redwood trees from a state park was recently published.

Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Jacob Jones (psychology), Yawen Li, (social work), Zachary Powell (criminal justice) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news coverage.

Montgomery ‘Monty’ Van Wart was recognized for his enduring excellence in teaching, research, scholarly activities and service to CSUSB’s students, the university and the community.