Cal State San Bernardino is the third CSU to offer a disability studies minor, which takes an interdisciplinary approach to learning how to center disabled voices, experiences and perspectives. Students can begin registering on April 28, and the launch will be marked by a public talk on Sept. 8, featuring Elaine Hall, founder of The Miracle Project.

“Come as you are; you are not broken” is more than a motto, it’s a philosophy, said Dr. Chad Sweeney, current director and Faculty Fellow for Disability, Difference, and Accommodation. Since its opening in February 2024, The Cog: Neurodiversity Center has become an essential resource in extending the sense of safety and belonging for neurodivergent students on the CSUSB campus.

Jess Block Nerren (communication studies) was quoted in an article about the opening of the new neurodiversity space at CSUSB called “The Cog,” a place available to anyone with or without autism, ADHD, anxiety, dyslexia and other ways of experiencing the world differently.

The grand opening of The Cog will be celebrated on Feb. 5 from 10:30 a.m. to noon in CSUSB’s John M. Pfau Library.