Teresa Velásquez (anthropology) discussed the violence associated with the extraction economy in Latin America, Jeremy Murray (history) was a panelist at the Wilson China Fellowship Conference, Meredith Conroy (political science) weighed in on who may seek the GOP presidential nomination and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for an article on some people of color getting involved in far-right extremist movements.

David Yaghoubian (history) wrote on what the U.S. withdrawing from Afghanistan means for the rest of the world, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was one of the sources cited in an article about extremist militias being involved in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.

“East Meets West: The Epic Journeys of Marco Polo and Zheng He” will be presented by Michael Yamashita, a National Geographic photojournalist and Sony Ambassador. The program will be livestreamed at 10 a.m. Friday, May 14, on Zoom.

RAFFMA, in collaboration with the Department of History, will present a lecture by Justin M. Jacobs, associate professor of history at American University, entitled “The Compensations of Plunder: How China Lost Its Treasures” on Monday, Nov. 9, at noon.

Meredith Conroy (political science) co-wrote an article on women running for Congress in 2020 and how they did in their party’s primary election; Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the region’s economy; and Jeffrey Williamson (entrepreneurship) was quoted in an article about Walmart’s recent success in China.

Angelina Yanyan Chin of Pomona College will discuss the future of Hong Kong as China moves to restrict its residents’ democratic freedoms at a World Affairs Council Inland Southern California program on June 30 on Zoom.

“China and the Uyghur Muslims: A Human and Cultural Genocide,” presented by the CSUSB Center for Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies, is set for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the College of Education, room CE-105.

David Yaghoubian (history) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were sought after by news media this week, Yaghoubian regarding Iran-U.S. tensions and Levin regarding the Gilroy shooting and the latest hate crime report.

Feb. 8: Minxin Pei will present “The Origins and Dynamics of Crony Capitalism in China: Insights from 260 Cases of Collusive Corruption.”