While their work revolves around the development of a mobile EEG device to monitor the brain activity of astronauts in space, like many NASA innovations, there are spinoff benefits, not just for the students, but the university as well.

Richard Addante (psychology), James Brown (English), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Kelly Campbell (psychology) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in recent news coverage.

Hurricane Harvey’s damaging reach included the simulated NASA space mission in which Richard Addante, a CSUSB assistant professor of psychology, was a crew member.

Rick Addante, assistant professor of psychology, was part of a NASA crew that simulated a space mission called HERA XIV to an asteroid this past summer, helping the agency research the effects of long-duration space flights.

Richard Addante, an assistant professor of psychology, was interviewed about the important role of cognitive neuroscience in deep-space missions. Addante was a crewmember on HERA XIV, a simulated space mission, this past summer.

Richard Addante will present “Come Learn About NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog Experiment,” April 19 from noon to 1:30 p.m.at the Faculty Center for Excellence in the John M. Pfau Library.

The program, which began in the 2016-17 academic year, was created to build a stronger community between faculty and students.