The theme for this year’s summit, “¡Viva La Mujer!,” honors women and the positive impact they have made. Honorary chairs for 2018 are longtime community leaders Gloria Macías Harrison and Marta Macías Brown.

The sisters from San Bernardino, who have a long history of contributing to the community, are the honorary chairs for the annual gathering at CSUSB. Registration for the free summit on March 29 is now open online.

Four women who are making an impact in their respective areas will highlight LEAD Summit IX’s theme, ¡Viva la Mujer! as keynote speakers when the annual event convenes on Thursday, March 29, at CSUSB.

“VIVA LA MUJER: Nosotras Las Madrinas,” will be presented at about 2:15 p.m. as the capstone presentation of the summit on March 29 at CSUSB. Other informative panels are scheduled throughout the day.

The daylong summit focused on the challenges, issues and accomplishments facing women, and Latina women in particular, in and outside academics.