The NEA grant has allowed the CSUSB Opera Theatre to create two full-length works this spring semester, with one that premiered last month and the next, “The New Frontier: An Atomic Age Jazz Opera,” to premiere on March 24.

At CSUSB, Manuel G. Galaviz found a community of educators and peers that encouraged and motivated his intellectual pursuits to help carry him forward in life and his career.

At CSUSB, Manuel G. Galaviz found a community of educators and peers that encouraged and motivated his intellectual pursuits to help carry him forward in life and his career.

“The Conduits and Barriers to Reentry for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals in San Bernardino” will be presented by Annika Yvette Anderson, assistant professor of sociology at CSUSB.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will give a grant to local California State Universities, including CSUSB, to establish the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) program.

The Memorandum of Understanding between CSUSB and Riverside City College, and a similar agreement between Cal State Fullerton and RCC, are part of the California Tri-County Concurrent Enrollment Program.

“From Bloodhounds to German Shepherds: The Racist History of Interspecies Policing in American History,” will be presented by Tyler Parry, an associate professor of history at Cal State Fullerton.