CSUSB student Annabella Garcia earned first place in the undergraduate Behavioral, Social Sciences and Public Administration category at the California State University Student Research Competition.

Maylei Blackwell of the César E. Chávez Department of Chicana/o and Central American Studies at UCLA will be the keynote speaker at this year’s conference, which will take place in person beginning at 9 a.m. in the John M. Pfau Library, room PL-5005, and also offered virtually, with a livestream available for the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus in the Rancho Mirage Student Center.

Guy Hepp (anthropology) wrote a guest column about a table-top role-playing game he developed to teach a graduate-level class, “The Archaeology of the Senses,” and Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) discussed the increase in hate crimes against the Jewish community.

Kamilah Moore, chair of the California Reparations Task Force, will present “Reparations Now in California!” in person and online. Her talk, which is part of the CSUSB Anthropology Museum exhibition, “Afróntalo,” begins at 9 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 29.

Danny Sosa Aguilar, assistant professor of anthropology, shares the importance of expanding students’ education through diversity.

Quoted in recent news articles or publishing research are Kathryn Ervin (theatre arts emerita) and Brian Levin (criminal justice emeritus); Eugene H. Wong, Kevin P. Rosales and Lisa Looney (child development); Edna Martinez (associate vice president and administrator in charge of the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus) co-authored a study with Sharon Velarde Pierce (CSUSB public administration); and Jonathan Jay Dubois (anthropology).

Jonathan Dubois (anthropology) was interviewed about the symbolism of the hawk and the “evil eye,” Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) discussed increasing hate crimes in the U.S. related to the escalating fighting between Hamas and Israel, and Nicolas M. Brunet (psychology) recently published a study that “explores early Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) sensitivity to facial stimuli.”

Tony Coulson (cybersecurity) discusses CSUSB’s leading role in training cybersecurity professionals, Jonathan Duboism (anthropology) explains the symbolism behind snake tattoos, and Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) was interviewed on various topics related to extremism and hate crimes.

Arianna Huhn (anthropology) was mentioned in an article about the Anthropology Museum’s Afróntalo exhibition and a refereed book by Viktor Wang (education) was promoted by the publisher in a video.