Brian McGowan is a lecturer in Disability Studies at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH University) in Switzerland. His talk, free and open to the public, will take place on March 6 from 10-11:15 a.m. on Zoom.

Cal State San Bernardino is the third CSU to offer a disability studies minor, which takes an interdisciplinary approach to learning how to center disabled voices, experiences and perspectives. Students can begin registering on April 28, and the launch will be marked by a public talk on Sept. 8, featuring Elaine Hall, founder of The Miracle Project.

Lissa D. Ramirez-Stapleton, who is an associate professor of education at Cal State Fullerton, will present “Black Deaf Education and Praxis: The Intersections of Culture, Community, and Hope.”

Cyrée Jarelle Johnson, the 2024 Ford Foundation Disability Futures Fellow, is the featured speaker when the Disability Studies Lecture Series hosts its first event for the 2024-25 academic year. The free talk will take place at 1 p.m. Tuesday on Zoom.

Anthony Ortega, a Cal State San Bernardino alumnus who is the hospital’s historian and a licensed clinical social worker, shared his presentation as a precursor to a CSUSB museum tour that will take place in late April, just before mental health awareness month in May.

Being a contestant on the game show was a lifelong bucket-list item for Liszka, associate professor of history and Benson and Pamela Harer Fellow in Egyptology.

As part of the study abroad program in South Africa, CSUSB students, university President Tomás D. Morales and faculty director Tiffany F. Jones visited the Othandweni Family Care Centre in Soweto, delivering $2,000 worth of diapers, formula, toiletries, school supplies, rice and maize meal with funds donated by community members, President Morales, university staff, faculty and students.

A GoFundMe page has been established to raise funds to purchase much needed items for the Orthandweni Family Care Centre, an orphanage that cares for abused, abandoned or orphaned children, and which the students will visit while in South Africa this summer.

Jeremy Murray and Tiffany Jones (history) Brian Levin (criminal justice), Sina Bastami (lecturer, geography and environmental studies), and Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) were mentioned in recent news coverage.