Julie Taylor, associate professor of communication and media, was honored with the 2023-24 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award for her dedication to CSUSB students and effective advising qualities and practices.

Meredith Conroy (political science), Zachary Powell (criminal justice), Jeremy Murray (history) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were mentioned in recent news coverage.

University President Tomás D. Morales said Jeremy Murray was named the Outstanding Faculty Advisor in recognition of “his passion, commitment and dedication to student success and providing career and life guidance.”

News of Carol Hood (physics) being named Outstanding Faculty Advisor for 2020-21 makes the news, Francisca Beer (finance) teamed up with MBA candidate Danny Chung for a column on credit cards for students, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) comments on the Christchurch Call to Action and the spike in anti-Asian hate crimes in Vancouver, B.C.

“The students are my reason for everything at CSUSB and everything I do with everyone else is in some way to give back to help them, help them reach their dreams,” said Carol Hood, recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Advisor award.

Daniel Nickerson, assistant professor of biology, is the recipient of the Excellence in Advising Faculty Advisor Award from NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising’s Pacific Region.

Daniel Nickerson, assistant professor of biology, was nominated by several of his students, both undergraduate and graduate. CSUSB President Tomás D. Morales made the announcement in one of Nickerson's classes on May 15.