Ed Gomez (art and design) was interviewed about the MexiCali Biennial, now on display at The Cheech in Riverside, and Nicole Collier (criminal justice) coauthored a study on the role of psycho-social factors on the recidivism of homicide offenders.

The kinetic sculpture, created by international artist Daniel Ruanova and students from CSUSB’s Department of Art and Design and the featured exhibit at LEAD Summit XI, is in its final stages of manufacturing.

CSUSB received $66,906 for the “MexiCali Biennial: The Land of Milk and Honey,” created by Ed Gomez, associate professor of art, which will provide a comprehensive look at expanded modern and historical views of agriculture and related subtopics.

Through a program developed by art and design associate professor Ed Gomez, CSUSB art students are getting hands-on experience with international artist Daniel Ruanova and will help create a piece that will be exhibited at The Cheech.

Ed Gomez (art) was interviewed about his involvement with the MexiCali Biennial cross-border art exhibition, and Zachary A. Powell (criminal justice) co-authored a recently published study, “Managing courtesy stigma: women and relationships with men in prison.”

Edward “Ed” Gomez (art and design) received a grant from Cal Humanities for his project, “The Land of Milk and Honey,” and Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote on how we may emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

A visual arts program created by CSUSB art associate professor Edward “Ed” Gomez was one of 10 recently selected for funding by California Humanities, a nonprofit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Only a couple of weeks remain to view the museum’s current exhibition, the 48th Annual Student Art Exhibition, which is on display through July 31.

The film “Ziascope” will be the focus of a screening and panel discussion in conjunction with RAFFMA’s current exhibition “Calafia: Manifesting the Terrestrial Paradise” on Thursday, Oct. 25.