The April 18 program will explore the changes in commuting patterns and mobility in the I.E. since the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing awareness to build upon opportunities and limit harm.

Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) discussed the need to train more cybersecurity professionals, and Mike Kohout, geography, and Jeremy Murray, history, were each quoted in an article about an upcoming forum focusing on the Inland Empire’s warehouse and logistics industry.

The forum, “Warehouses in the Inland Empire: Struggle for Our Communities,” will take place at noon in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences building, room SB 128, and on Zoom.

Richard Addante (psychology), James Brown (English), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Kelly Campbell (psychology) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in recent news coverage.

Due to construction and maintenance, Caltrans has closed the southbound Palm Avenue offramp of Interstate 215. Caltrans expects to reopen the offramp on or before Oct. 30.