“This grant will be used to hire undergraduate and graduate students as assistants on this major project and give significant research experience to individuals who are, traditionally, not offered such opportunities,” said Eric Vogelsang, director of the Center on Aging.

Eric Vogelsang (sociology) was quoted in an article about Gen Xers making career changes, Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the rise of anti-LGBTQ incidents, and Michelle Russen (marketing/hospitality management) co-authored a study on how organizations can create a more inclusive atmosphere.

Eric Vogelsang (sociology), Kimberly Collins (public administration), Thomas McWeeney (public administration) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news media coverage in areas of their expertise.

Stuart Sumida (biology) discussed the consulting role he and his wife, Elizabeth Rega, had in Disney’s newest feature film, “Strange World,” Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) commented on the School of Entrepreneurship’s latest ranking, and Jacob. D. Jones (psychology) led a team that published a paper on cognitive impairment among people with Parkinson’s Disease.

Panelists will discuss their professional observations and the long-term impact on the wellbeing of this highly effected demographic.

Brian Levin (criminal justice) testified before a U.S. Senate committee and also discussed the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot; Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) was interviewed about preparing students for careers in cybersecurity; Eric Vogelsang (sociology) discussed a project aimed at helping people age healthier; Breanna Putman (biology) co-authored a study on how lizards making themselves attractive to potential mates also risk being preyed upon; David Yaghoubian (history) added his perspective on recent news in Iran involving its supreme leader; and Anthony Silard (public administration), wrote on achieving a healthy balance in relationships.

Katherine Gray (art) was interviewed on KVCR’s “Lifestyles with Lillian Vasquez,” Jacob Jones (psychology) and Zhaojing Chen (kinesiology) will lead a study on Parkinson’s disease with an NIH grant, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) provided historical context in articles about an assault in Los Angeles that is being investigated as an anti-Semitic hate crime.

Jacob Jones (psychology) and Zhaojing Chen (kinesiology) will lead a study on Parkinson’s disease with a grant from the NIH, Kevin Grisham (global studies) discusses domestic extremism and the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for an article about an incident that Los Angeles police are investigating as an anti-Semitic attack.

The four-year grant will fund a collaboration between CSUSB and scientists from UCLA, UCR, and Loma Linda University Health. Jacob Jones (psychology) will serve as principle investigator, and partner with Zhaojing Chen (kinesiology).