"Less than 200 institutions worldwide are accredited by NASPAA, and their emphasis on public service values perfectly aligns with the ethos of the faculty, staff, and students at the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration," said Tomás Gomez-Arias, dean of the college.

For the first time, the university was ranked No. 86 among the nation’s Best Education Schools on U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools ranking. The MBA program also was recognized internationally by CEO Magazine and nationally by U.S. News.

Chioma Nwagbala recounts her efforts as a graduate student that led to an MPA degree with a cybersecurity concentration as her second chance to excel academically.

Sedrick Spencer, two-time CSUSB alumnus, has been named the Alumni Council representative to the standing work group for the CSU Biennial Symposium Recognizing African American History and Achievement.

David Yaghoubian (history) was interviewed about the latest developments regarding the multi-national nuclear agreement with Iran, Scott Catlett (adjunct, public administration) was featured by a community new site, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) continued to be a resource for news media on the rise anti-Asian hate crimes as well as news on extremist groups.

CSUSB has been listed among the Best Public Affairs Programs in colleges and universities in the nation according to U.S. News & World Report.

The importance of education for Latinos during the COVID-19 pandemic was the topic of discussion with representatives from Cal State San Bernardino.

The importance of education for Latinos during the COVID-19 pandemic was the topic of discussion with representatives from Cal State San Bernardino.

Robert Nava, CSUSB vice president of Advancement; Enrique Murillo Jr., director of LEAD; and Adonis Galarza-Toledo, ASI president, will discuss Latinos in education and in the workforce in a post-pandemic world with host Jackeline Cacho.