Saree Makdisi, professor and chair of the English department at UCLA, will present “The Meaning of Gaza,” at the second annual Edward Said Endowed Lecture, set for 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26, at Cal State San Bernardino.

Presented by the university’s Center for the Study of Muslim & Arab Worlds, with the California Faculty Association’s Palestine, Arab, and Muslim Caucus, “On Weaponizing Anti-Semitism” will take place on Zoom; registration is required.

During a time of stark misinformation about the current events in Gaza, the Center for the Study of Muslim & Arab Worlds will host a teach-in panel, “Contextualizing Current Violence in Gaza,” 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19.

Ahlam Muhtaseb (communication studies) was interviewed for an Arabic language news program about the latest in the conflict in Jerusalem and Gaza, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) helped fact check a politician’s statements for Politifact and discussed combating hate crime in Maine.

A professor of communication studies and director of the Center for the Study of Muslim & Arab Worlds, Ahlam Muhtaseb is a strong advocate for social justice, inspiring her students to seek positive change in their communities.