Although business offices will be closed and no classes will be in session, CSUSB will be the venue for the second annual Love4Us Juneteenth Freedom Celebration, an all-day event.

Set for June 13-14, the Juneteenth Symposium is designed to elevate the celebration and recognition of African American history and achievements while promoting and sustaining the anti-racism work underway across the CSU’s 23 campuses.

The work of the DEI Faculty Fellows will align with CSUSB’s strategic plan to enhance the university’s DEI commitment, resources and support for faculty across ranks.

The university’s San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses will reopen for summer session classes and university business on Tuesday, June 20.

Angela Davis discussed a variety of topics at the April 17 event, including feminism, intersectionality, social justice, environmentalism and racism.

The three-day, April 11-13, event will highlight how assessment is critical in supporting students, which is done through evidence-informed decision-making at the department, unit, division and institutional levels.

Ayan Jama’s educational and personal experiences have guided her to becoming the associate director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Cal State San Bernardino.

Join the university’s inaugural celebration of Juneteenth with an in-person viewing of “Juneteenth: A Celebration of Overcoming,” on June 13, and roundtable discussion on Zoom, “ACT: Advancing Black Student Access & Success at CSUSB,” on June 14.

“I believe that we can overcome this racism that indeed has spread to every part of our body politic because I don’t feel like we have any other choice,” said Ibram X. Kendi, author of “How to Be an Antiracist,” at CSUSB on Sept. 17.