Lúa López, assistant professor of biology, uses mixed method research, which, although complex and demanding, provides a more multidimensional approach in her study in the rapid environmental response in plants in light of climate change.

Andreas Beyersdorf, an associate professor in chemistry and biochemistry, is also an analytic chemist whose overall research interest is air pollution.

Marketing professor Victoria Seitz has had over 50 research cited publications on a range of topics that includes branding and image marketing.

Gölge Seferoğlu, associate professor of teacher education and foundations, uses a variety of research designs to learn about the complex processes of second-language learning.

Anthropology associate professor Matthew Des Lauriers takes a holistic approach to research that involves experimental, field and qualitative research.

Anna Ni, associate dean of the Jack H. Brown College is an ambidextrous administrator – her work as a researcher has increased since becoming associate dean.

Eun-ok Baek, a professor of education leadership and technology, has done extensive research in the area of online learning and the future of potentialities of instructional technology.

David Carlson, chair of the CSUSB English department, focuses on interdisciplinary research integrating the fields of indigenous culture, law and literature.

Miranda McIntyre, assistant professor of psychology, leads the CSUSB Sona Lab used in the psychology department for research.