The role of traditional culture and cultural reform in Maoist China will be the topic of the next Modern China Lecture presented by Maggie Greene, assistant professor of history at Montana State University.

Julia Strauss will present “State Formation in China and Taiwan: Bureaucracy, Campaign, and Performance” at 2 p.m. Monday, March 2, in the John M. Pfau Library, room PL-4005.

“Hollywood Chinese: A Book and Film Presentation with Oscar®-nominated Filmmaker/Author Arthur Dong,” will take place Wednesday, Feb. 19, at the university’s John M. Pfau Library.

At CSUSB, the program is sponsored by the World Affairs Council Inland Southern California, CSUSB College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The Modern China Lecture Series, the CSUSB History Club and Phi Alpha Theta.

The movie, which is also open to the public, will be shown Oct. 26 at the SMSU Theater, with the interview with Gore following at 3:45 p.m.

“A National Conversation about U.S.-China Policy,” with Susan E. Rice and Richard Madsen, will be held in the John M. Pfau Library, room PL-5005, beginning at 3:45 p.m. The public is welcome to attend; online pre-registration is requested.

“The Cultural Revolution and ‘Diasporic Trauma’ in Hong Kong,” by Angelina Chin, associate professor of history at Pomona College, will take place at 12:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 30, at the John M. Pfau Library, PL-5005.

A Frenchman’s View of Chinese Opera, Circa 1900,” will be presented by Andrea S. Goldman on Tuesday, Nov. 28, in University Hall at CSUSB. The event is free and open to the public.

Sarah Schneewind, an associate professor of history at UC San Diego and an expert on the Ming Dynasty, will present her talk on Friday, Feb. 2, at the John M. Pfau Library, PL-4005