Carolyn McAllister (social work) was interviewed for a segment about a grant that will enable the School of Social Work to expand the MSW program to the Palm Desert Campus, Diana K. Johnson (history and ethnic studies) published an article on the multiracial politics of the Mexican American diaspora in the Pacific Northwest in the 1970s, Zhonghui "Hugo" Wang (management) published an article on the impact of a founding family in corporate governance.

Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) commented on the future of a post-pandemic economy, Pamela Medina (public administration) wrote about the challenges academics face as a result of the pandemic, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the increase in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans.

Kimberly Costino (English) has an article published in the journal Metropolitan Universities, and Janine Kremling (criminal justice) delivers the plenary address at a Cal Poly Pomona symposium.