As a member of the WESTOP Board of Directors, Dalia Hernandez will guide the organization’s board and service council in advancing the association’s efforts to fulfill its mission and goals.

“One thing that we teach our students here in Upward Bound at Cal State San Bernardino is the power of telling your story, and taking the power of your story to help others,” says Dalia Hernández.

The federal grants will help the program, which works with high school students, provide one-on-one academic support and guidance, individual and group tutoring, and access to college campus visits.

James Trotter of Academic Technologies & Innovation and Dalia Hernández of Upward Bound will join a program that prepares early to mid-career academic and administrative emerging leaders who aspire to advance.

The university is ranked No. 6 in the nation among more than 1,500 universities on the annual 2021 Social Mobility Index (SMI) published by CollegeNET.

Dalia Hernández was honored for her outstanding service by the Western Association of Educational Opportunity Personnel (WESTOP) Southern California Chapter.