The James R. Watson and Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education at Cal State San Bernardino, in partnership with San Bernardino Valley College, applied – and received – $500,000 funding for the Integrated Bilingual Authorization Program grant from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Interest in Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs has been growing in the last two decades as a high-quality bilingual education response for all students, but especially for English learners.

Nena Torrez (education) was interviewed for a segment on the Project Impact initiative to increase the number of K-12 male teachers of color, and Annika Anderson (sociology) discussed the work of Project Rebound, which assists the formerly incarcerated enroll at CSUSB and obtain their college degrees.

Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote that our fear of missing out through social media may actually make us miss out on real, in-person social connections, and Nena Torrez (education) spoke at a CSU Board of Trustees meeting on a program that paid university executives after they departed.

Crystal Rodriguez has always wanted to be a teacher, but the CSUSB alumna didn’t know how deep her passion was until she saw the teachers working close up. Their dedication is what inspired her to become a teacher.